

So, I've found work in a bakery in Lincoln Park. I am a dishwasher, and, as with the backs of most kitchens, the primary nationality is hispanic/latino/mexican/whatever. This being said, there is often mexican music playing on the stereo we have in the back, often on a mexican radio station.

This has taught me a couple things about radio:

1) There are always too many commericals

2) The same songs are played over and over.

Believe it or not, these rules apply to all radio, no matter what nationality.


Harry said...

I have two questions:
Is the music any good?
Are you learning to speak Spanish?

Anonymous said...

i love hispanic radio. i wish they'd play La Kalle back there. i'd never be up front, i'd just be in back dancing.

THE MUSIC IS AMAZING even though it is basically the same song over and over. that's the basic principle of spanish radio. for sure. looooooooove it.

mschieren said...

Read Ripped -->


They have a good chapter on why you hear nothing but the same song over and over on different radio stations even (at least on American radio).

You should just bring your iPod and headphones.