
ROC Chicago

So, Today I had an orientation for this organization, the Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC) of Chicago. The reason I was there was that they are offering a job-training program for the restaurant industry, and seeing as I need a job and have no experience in the industry, I felt it was a good idea to do this... and hell, it's free.

They seem like a good enough organization, they began in New York after 9/11, when the federal gov't gave money to a bunch of people who had survived and lost their jobs. These people were mostly minorities, and they created the organization with their money to help those who had lost jobs due to the destruction of the twin towers.

They found, however, that they could not get the quality of job they had had previously due to the fact that they were minorities. So, the mission of the organization changed to one of creating an ethical business sense within the restaurant industry.

Therein lies a problem for me. While I do appreciate that this organization is teaching me how to work in a restaurant for free, I don't necessarily agree with their ethics within business. However, having attended the orientation this morning, I feel like I have become a member of an organization that has not become a bureaucratic hypocrisy like many of the organizations that supposedly try to help minorities.

However, I can see how something like that could happen... and it's not something I want to be a part of, but I feel there's still good to be done from this organization as well... it's a slight internal conflict that's beginning to annoy me.

Anywho, not really a rant today, just a moral quandry.

Au Revoir,
The Flying Cat Man


Stevie Ray Vaughn

Why is he so great?

I've been trying to learn how to play "Pride and Joy" off of his first album "Texas Flood" and let me tell you it is hard as hell. How is he so good? More importantly, how the hell did he play when he was fucked up on Jack Daniels and coke all the time?

*sigh*, guess I'll never know... oh well, back to playing.

A Frustrated Musician


Arts School Dropout (to be sang to the tune of...)

I go to an Arts school. A school for the fine and performing arts. I must say I enjoy it quite a bit. I like not having massive 3.2 million people lectures. I like having my general education classes tie (somewhat loosely) to my major. I like having faculty that works in my field as well as teaches, which means I know they're not sugar coating anything. But, I have to admit, there is something quite odd about the entire concept of an arts school, especially when it comes to the fine arts.

Now, behind the scene's stuff, like fashion design, radio/DJing and backstage work are all easily taught. I'm not saying they're easy skills, but they can be taught the way any other trade or job can be taught. Acting presents some difficulty, as there is an intangibility to it. You can teach someone lines, how to say them, where to move onstage... but unless they have that talent, that ability to embody a role, they really can't act. It is a talent that can't be taught. I should say that those who have that ability and simply need work with it can work on it, even someone who's never acted before, should they possess the necessary talent, can be worked with to be better... but there is an intangible something that all actors have that some people just don't.

This intangible concept is even more present in things like Art, Dance or Poetry (Yes, there is poetry majoring here). It's like... how are you really supposed to teach this? you can teach it's history, it's methods, but in the end either a person has the talent or they don't. Simple and plain. I wish that these could be "Yay! everyone can do it!"-type arts but they're not. Especially when it comes to poetry or painting. There is a creativity required that alot of people don't have, not to say the average person can't understand or love art, simply that they cannot create it.

Maybe it's this notion that makes art students such snobs... I really couldn't say. I mean, the entire snob things is a rant I'll save for another day, but I guess... I guess the entire concept of an art school can be confusing at times, and it's simply an interesting thing to examine, as to how much of the arts can actually be taught.

Until we meet again,
Timothy of Briton


A Superficial Question

Whatever happened to superficiality? I mean, the good ol' kind... muscular, tan guys, skinny big breasted women. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of the elitism and general jack-assery that comes along with being one of those few... I'm just wondering where it went, what with more and more people being attracted to those skinny, emaciated, pale guys... as well as girls... it's just an odd turn of events.

Mind you, I kind of am one of those skinny, emaciated, pale guys... which is fine. And to be frankly honest, I like my girls with a little more junk in the trunk if you catch my drift. I'm simply wondering what happened to the old standards of good looks... and if these new one's aren't just as superficial.

Really, I don't have much else to say on the subject... it's just that. People think that society is becoming less superficial... and it's not. It's just a different kind. Everyone is superficial and that's what people don't understand. Everyone judges everyone else on how they look, period. It's how the human mind works, and it's something we can get past, but don't deny that it happens.

Peace out,
Damien, the dancing daemon extraordinaire


Buisness and State

There's something I'd like to see of the country. Now, there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. There is, of course a raging debate as to whether that is the case, or, in some people's eyes, whether that is really necessary. That however, is not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about another separation that should exist. This is a separation of business and the government. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

I feel that businesses need to take their hand out of the government. The amount of lobbyists in Washington is astounding. I mean, all those business, and for that matter non-profit groups, are constantly buying and selling politicians (who I should mention now, are all evil, every single one of them) like candy.

This make the already corruption-prone politicians side with whoever is willing to pay them most, and therefore don't give a damn about what us people think. They only care about whatever will make them the most money.

Now, there are those that would say that this is a side-effect of the free-market capitalist system. Those people are dolts. This is a symptom of a government becoming too powerful for it's own good. Were companies of any size to exist without gov't involvement, they would be forced to produce thins that people want, else they would not make any money. However, with the gov't giving so much money (such as in the form of bailouts) to companies, they no longer need to produce goods that are wanted by the consumer, and can therefore do things that would be considered corrupt. Basically, what I am trying to say is that, businesses wouldn't have to please the government, and therefore would be forced to please the consumer.

Now, I'm well aware that this is idealistic, because there are some business owners out there who are dicks, and make up profits and steal money form their own company and do other such things that most business men wouldn't do because it is morally wrong and will eventually come back to destroy their company. However, I believe, that most business owners would not do this, regardless of the success of their business, because most have been working on building their business too damn hard to ruin it.

And I believe this is where I finish, because I could go on abotu how someone who inherits a business if far more likly to screw it up than the person who built it, but that's another rant.

Until our next adventure space cadets,
Capt. Arthur M. Piggins Jr. IV


An Underage View of Things

It sucks being under 21.

I'm not just saying that because of the whole drinking thing. I really don't like alcohol and in all honesty I wouldn't drink even if I were legally allowed to.

No, it sucks being under 21 because, while they tell me I am an adult, I'm not.

Maybe it's just being in the city... I mean, I've been on the job hunt for months now, and being under 21 has killed me. Most restaurants won't even let me bus if they serve alcohol. seriously. Like I'm going to that mostly drank fruity cocktail from the bimbo who's been slinging those back all night and have a few sips on the job.

No, I can't see that happening, nor would I be dumb enough to steal from behind the bar... I don't think a good job (or any job in this economy) is worth losing over a bit of booze.

Then again, maybe there are some idiot kids who would do that. Some of them probably go to my school, because lord knows this place is filled to the brim with addicts. Ok, not really addicts... but damn kids really need to stop with the whole drug thing... at least on friggin' school nights.

Anyway, back to my original point, which is being less than 21 years in age sucks. There's this place down the street, it's called "Buddy Guy's Legends." It's owned by Buddy Guy himself, he plays there alot too. It's an amazing blues bar/restaurant. I get kicked out at 8pm... because I'm under 21. All I want to do is listen to some kickass blues... but no, that's not happening.

It's really just annoying, the amount of places that are still of limits for me, even though I'm supposed to be an "adult". Hell, I voted, why can't I go into a bar and listen to some guy wail on the guitar?

I guess the majority of my peers are unable to control themselves in these situations, but why should I be lumped in with all those idiots? I mean, if we were to make sweeping generalizations about specific groups of people there would be programs that help/restrict people based on their sex or the color of their skin... oh wait...

That's a different day. Point is, being under 21 blows and there's no way around it.

I'm done,
The Dancing Monkey on Your Shoulder


Writing and Environmentalism II

So I am taking a writing and rhetoric II class. I want everyone to pay close attention to the name of this course. "Writing and Rhetoric II". Sounds like a normal English class, yes? You'd be wrong. As I go to an arts college, it is of course not going to be the average English class, and that I don't have a problem with.

However, in the "normal" W&R II at the arts college, the student is supposed to pick a specific "site" to takes notes and write on. My teacher, however, decided, "Silly college students, they can't choose a place for themselves, I'll pick the topic for them." What's the topic? Why, the human/nature theme that the school is holding events on this year.

Now, I should say this, I really don't have too many problems with the environmental movement. My biggest issue is it's insistence on government involvement. I much more subscribe to the thought stream of those like Henry Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who were known for their stance against government.

Anyway, my professor has decided that we are all to write on a specific topic relating to humans and nature. She decided for us. We're college students, supposed adults, and she went out of her way to pick a specific topic for us. THERE'S A FRIGGIN' REASON I CAME TO AN ART SCHOOL!

Yes, believe it or not, one of the reasons why I like an art school is that I get to think for myself much more than at the average college, but no, now I have to write on something I'm not interested in, and am expected to write well. That's complete shit. I thought that stuff was meant for high school, guess I was mistaken.

I mean, I want to be able to choose for myself a topic like most other students in the class, and I DON'T want to have this super-liberal point of view being told to me every week. I'm sorry but it's idiotic.

But, luckily for me, I only have a limited engagement in this class, and when it's over I will be quite happy to live without environmental bullshit being shoved down my throat every tuesday and thursday morning at 9am.

So ends this,
Your Favorite Dancer


My First Post

...Will in fact, not be a rant. It's simply a statement as to how much I love instrumental music. It's pretty amazing, I mean, conveying an entire landscape without the use of words, which we rely on so much. It's kind of why I love it.
I mean... anyone can write in the most rudimentary sense, blunt things like, "I love you." Or, "Go screw yourself." It takes a large portion of talent to take words and turn them into something subtle and useful, such as the likes or Shakespeare or Mark Twain. But, to simply take noise, and turn it into complicated emotions and imaginary landscapes visible really only in the human mind... that's talent.
Mind you, I'm not knocking writers, they have a talent of their own that is incomparable, I am simply stating my amazement at the ability of instrumental composers.

Hmm... guess that was a tad bit of a rant... not nearly as scathing or mean as one would expect a rant to be, oh well, there's time for that.

Until the next moon,
Your Humble 19 year old Know-it-all

A Simple Intro

This is yet another annoying blog.

I've been reading blogs for a good 3-4 years now. I'm a college student at an arts school in Chicago, it's fun, but I find that a fair amount of things annoy me. It is because of this that I feel it necessary to go about my ranting on the internet, i mean, it seems like the perfect place.

Yes, this will be a fair amount of ranting... mostly about how the government is too big, how people are too dumb and how everyone still hates the Jews.

If I thought a lot of people were going to read this, I would warn those reading that I will probably offend. It's a good thing I don't care.

With all that said, I welcome you to a world of unimportance, non-sequitors and other things of that nature.