
Happiness (As well as the furtherment of my political views)

So, My lovely girlfriend has moved to Michigan for the summer, I am quite happy. She's living about 5-10 minutes walking distance away from me, which makes me even happier. I know things have been a little tough for her getting here, finding a job, arguing with her parents over things, not to mention planning, but I am really just happy she's here, like stupidly happy. That's really all I can say about it.

On another note, I got my federal tax refund, it was about 35+ dollars short. It came with a nice little letter saying that my refund was "different" (not lower, different) and that i would be told why in a few weeks. Fuck you federal government, fuck you.

That is all.

UPDATE: Evidentally had got the letter before the check, filled out my tax forms wrong, except I'm pretty sure I didn't, looking at the math I did. So, the Feds can go fuck themselves, I'm robbing the IRS of $37.32 as soon as i can get the materials together. who's in?


It's Mothers Day!

And because it is, I will link you ot my mother's newly created blog.

A day in a life with Mamma O

Enjoy, love you mom.


Restaurant Etiquette

So... Having worked in the restaurant business for a bit now, i've noticed a few things. First and foremost, people are gross, and can be particularly wasteful of food sometimes (which bugs me cause by the middle of a shit i could usually go for some food). I've also noticed that a fair portion of people don't quite understand how the restaurant industry functions or how to be a good patron. Luckily, I know how much my blog is read, and so for all you millions of millions (or slightly less) I will give a few general rules of Restaurant Etiquette.

1. 20% is the normal amount to tip
Yes, that's right, 20% of your bill is normal. Not 1o, not 15, 20. What you need to understand is a majority of the money these people make is based on that tip you give them. the base pay for a server is a little over $2.50, so it matters greatly what you tip. The general attitude is you start at 20%, if your service is excellent, if your service is bad (and i mean BAD) then lessen it. But if you're leaving 10% tips every time, your just an asshole, or broke.

2. Patience is a virtue
This is something to remember when the place you are dining is particularly busy. When it's busy, things are going to take a little longer to get done. Don't bitch at your server simply because you've been sitting for 5 minutes and they haven't gotten to you. They're probably swamped with 5-6 other tables including you, and are trying to get them all what they need. Feel free to do what you can to expedite the process, if you have the time to look, order food with your drinks, or at least appetizers (yes, people order drinks separately sometimes). Just be patient and remember that they are humans too.

3. Closing time (you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.)
If the restaurant is closing and you're still there, pick up the pace a little bit. They servers, bussers, kitchen staff and managers all have shit to do to get the place closed up so they can go home. If you're there 15 minutes after and getting ready to go, don't feel too bad, however, if you're just sitting there shooting the breeze and it's more than 20 minutes after, go somewhere else. People have things to get done and you're just getting in the way.

4. 20% is standard tipping!
Yep, again. People need to understand, 20% is what you need to be tipping on average, these people live off your tips and they need you to tip like this. Unless your service is really bad, you should be tipping 20%!

That's pretty much it. There's not much else for me to say. Just be good patrons and you're server will be good to you, especially when you come back for a second round.


Crazy Life

So yea... I now officially have two jobs (YAY!) and I am starting at Oakland Community College in July. This summer is... well, it's going to be hectic, I don't quite know how I'm gonna do, but I'm hoping for good things.

Regardless, I'm excited because my love will be moving up to Ferndale soon, and this excites me. I'm glad she is, because it get's lonely up here without her. I only hope she'll find what she's looking for up here, because that's really what's important.

So, really that's about it, no truly deep thoughts today. I think i'm goign to tlak about soemthing next time though, probably the importance of kittens to the global economic crisis... or something else I could write a thesis on. eh, who knows.


On pity

First, I would like to start this post with a big fuck you to Matt. Now onto the post.

So, I've been thinking about people and unemployment and all that. Only a couple months ago, I was unemployed, wanting someone to hire me, and getting very angry at the setting around me. After coming back to michigan, finding a job, and now, looking for a second (and with an interview today, I'm quite excited) I'm thinking that people are just full of shit.

I mean, I'll admit, bus boy isn't exactly a stellar, six figure job, but it's job, and in all reality, it's a livable job. I'm finding that people are kinda just full of it. So many of my friends are unemployed and sit and bitch about. Many people I know are unemployed and sit and bitch about it. I'm sick of the sitting and bitching. I mean, I managed to find a job, relatively quickly, and while the second has been longer coming, I'll admit I haven't been looking as hard (partially due to having a first job and other responsibilities). I just cannot pity or feel for those who don't look.

When I first got home I spent everyday, save Sunday, applying for, looking for and walking around cities asking for a job. It was essentially a job. I spent my days looking fro a job until I found one. And I had to sit and wait for 45 minutes before a manager finally got to me. I just think people are so used to being handed things, that they don't realize finding a job is a bitch and a half. If you're not willing to devote a ton of time to finding one, you're not going to find one.

It's very simple, one would think that people would realize it, but then again, there's alot of things people don't realize. So, I'm sick of people complaining that they're unemployed, whilst I hang out with them at three in the afternoon. If you're sick of it, go look for a job, and don't see me before 5pm until you do, shut up and do it.