
Being Sick

It sucks. I've been drinking tea all day but my throat still hurts like hell... I'd rather not have to miss class, but considering I really don't want to get anyone else sick, I'd rather just stay home and get better as quick as I can. Hopefully this doesn't turn into strep... that would kill.


A Creative Moment or Two

You know, I've been in a creative mood the past couple days... it all started yesterday morning zoning off in my English class (yes, the one I bitch about all the time). Who knew it'd be good for something.

Anyway, since yesterday morning I've come of with three sets of lyrics as well as two guitar riffs that aren't terrible... Overall I'm kinda proud... i mean, I still have to run it all by my band mates and see what they say and if any of it is usable... but overall I'm feeling pretty good, well, good in a restless sort of way.

Until next time,
The Wandering Minstrel


I Don't Care

So, as I sat today in my Writing and Rhetoric II class (of which I often rant) I had a short but very interesting realization:

I don't care.

I don't, I don't give a hoot about the class in any way shape or form... and this comes as a problem. Often, when I don't care about a class, I don't put effort forward or do the work necessary to get an A... which really sucks. I don't mean to, it's simply that I don't care, and therefore actually doing the work just slips my mind.

Of course having realized this I can attempt to counteract it. I just wish I cared, it would make it so much easier... I mean, I care more about my New Millennium Studies class, which is an overall joke of a class, than I do about what is supposed to be an upper-level English class.

Eh, oh well, I guess I just have to push through and do the best I can without yelling at my teacher and/or being an overall ass in the class.

Upon my return,
Josh from Nazareth


Today's Random Question

If an entire community of people was created based on a stereotype, is the stereotype still technically a stereotype?


Death to DST

Daylight Savings Time, it need to die.

Seriously... Why does it exist. I'm told it was originally created to give people more time to work back during WWII. Considering WWII ended 60+ years ago I don't understand why it still exists. All that it does is cause more car accidents for a couple days and makes people really tired.

My grandparents live in Arizona, they don't have daylight savings time there. Guess what? There's absolutely no difference between things that happen there than here! WHY THE HELL DOES THIS EXIST!?!?!?!?!?

Really, that's all I have to say on the subject. We, as a country, need to rise up and get rid of this. Now.

The Annoyed Cat


A Satirical Idea

So, today, as I was sitting in my writing and rhetoric II class (which I have previously ranted about) an idea came into my little noggin.

For our final project we have to write a twelve page paper on the topic of our choice (as long as it pertains to the human/nature theme... grr) and i was wondering how about I could go about rebelling against the idiocy of it all... and the I thought, "Why not write a satire?"

So, while I have yet to actually make up my mind, I am debating on writing a paper on how Humanity is causing all these environmental problems, why not fix that by removing humanity from the picture? I mean, it's perfect, without humans to botch everything the environment can on abotu doing waht it does without worrying about us hurting it with our silly oil mining and creation of CO2 through breathing that's causing the greenhouse effect... which i haven't heard much about these days, come to think.

But really, teh earth would be much better of if someone just killed everyone, including themselves, although that perosn should probably save himself for last, considering the job he has to do.