
I Don't Care

So, as I sat today in my Writing and Rhetoric II class (of which I often rant) I had a short but very interesting realization:

I don't care.

I don't, I don't give a hoot about the class in any way shape or form... and this comes as a problem. Often, when I don't care about a class, I don't put effort forward or do the work necessary to get an A... which really sucks. I don't mean to, it's simply that I don't care, and therefore actually doing the work just slips my mind.

Of course having realized this I can attempt to counteract it. I just wish I cared, it would make it so much easier... I mean, I care more about my New Millennium Studies class, which is an overall joke of a class, than I do about what is supposed to be an upper-level English class.

Eh, oh well, I guess I just have to push through and do the best I can without yelling at my teacher and/or being an overall ass in the class.

Upon my return,
Josh from Nazareth


Anonymous said...

you could do what i want to do and just challenge your teacher at every step or so. just make sure your challenges are legit, and not petty.

also, if you don't do your work i'm going to smack you silly.

mschieren said...

Challenging her at every step is just going to make her become super-critical of everything you do, so if you do that have fun getting scrutinized for EVERYTHING. :(