
Buisness and State

There's something I'd like to see of the country. Now, there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. There is, of course a raging debate as to whether that is the case, or, in some people's eyes, whether that is really necessary. That however, is not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about another separation that should exist. This is a separation of business and the government. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

I feel that businesses need to take their hand out of the government. The amount of lobbyists in Washington is astounding. I mean, all those business, and for that matter non-profit groups, are constantly buying and selling politicians (who I should mention now, are all evil, every single one of them) like candy.

This make the already corruption-prone politicians side with whoever is willing to pay them most, and therefore don't give a damn about what us people think. They only care about whatever will make them the most money.

Now, there are those that would say that this is a side-effect of the free-market capitalist system. Those people are dolts. This is a symptom of a government becoming too powerful for it's own good. Were companies of any size to exist without gov't involvement, they would be forced to produce thins that people want, else they would not make any money. However, with the gov't giving so much money (such as in the form of bailouts) to companies, they no longer need to produce goods that are wanted by the consumer, and can therefore do things that would be considered corrupt. Basically, what I am trying to say is that, businesses wouldn't have to please the government, and therefore would be forced to please the consumer.

Now, I'm well aware that this is idealistic, because there are some business owners out there who are dicks, and make up profits and steal money form their own company and do other such things that most business men wouldn't do because it is morally wrong and will eventually come back to destroy their company. However, I believe, that most business owners would not do this, regardless of the success of their business, because most have been working on building their business too damn hard to ruin it.

And I believe this is where I finish, because I could go on abotu how someone who inherits a business if far more likly to screw it up than the person who built it, but that's another rant.

Until our next adventure space cadets,
Capt. Arthur M. Piggins Jr. IV


mschieren said...

Pretty much agree with you for the most part here, big businesses suck these days. I still think the fact that we bailed the auto industry out shows just how much of the big business dick we suck.

Harry said...

Be careful, expounding on Capitalism may become a thought crime soon.

Anonymous said...

oh 1984... wunderbar.

how about separation of government and everything else? ever? quesas?
i think we talk a lot of shit but if it really came down to it, we may be too lazy or comfortable to really do anything about it.