
An Underage View of Things

It sucks being under 21.

I'm not just saying that because of the whole drinking thing. I really don't like alcohol and in all honesty I wouldn't drink even if I were legally allowed to.

No, it sucks being under 21 because, while they tell me I am an adult, I'm not.

Maybe it's just being in the city... I mean, I've been on the job hunt for months now, and being under 21 has killed me. Most restaurants won't even let me bus if they serve alcohol. seriously. Like I'm going to that mostly drank fruity cocktail from the bimbo who's been slinging those back all night and have a few sips on the job.

No, I can't see that happening, nor would I be dumb enough to steal from behind the bar... I don't think a good job (or any job in this economy) is worth losing over a bit of booze.

Then again, maybe there are some idiot kids who would do that. Some of them probably go to my school, because lord knows this place is filled to the brim with addicts. Ok, not really addicts... but damn kids really need to stop with the whole drug thing... at least on friggin' school nights.

Anyway, back to my original point, which is being less than 21 years in age sucks. There's this place down the street, it's called "Buddy Guy's Legends." It's owned by Buddy Guy himself, he plays there alot too. It's an amazing blues bar/restaurant. I get kicked out at 8pm... because I'm under 21. All I want to do is listen to some kickass blues... but no, that's not happening.

It's really just annoying, the amount of places that are still of limits for me, even though I'm supposed to be an "adult". Hell, I voted, why can't I go into a bar and listen to some guy wail on the guitar?

I guess the majority of my peers are unable to control themselves in these situations, but why should I be lumped in with all those idiots? I mean, if we were to make sweeping generalizations about specific groups of people there would be programs that help/restrict people based on their sex or the color of their skin... oh wait...

That's a different day. Point is, being under 21 blows and there's no way around it.

I'm done,
The Dancing Monkey on Your Shoulder


mschieren said...

I still think its ridiculous that we can go off and die for our country at the age of 18, but we're not allowed to buy a beer.

What's even better is that we're a country thats soused in alcohol, and yet you can go to a place like, oh, Germany, where the drinking age is 18, and they have fewer alcohol related problems than we do! A friend of mine that grew up in England said that he grew up drinking wine at formal dinners and stuff, so he knew how to handle his liquor. Of course because we have to wait, we go overboard all the time and have more drunk drivers, teens dying of alcohol poisoning etc.

We as America just need to out-do everybody at everything.

Harry said...

You might try another line of work for now until you turn that magic age. Wow, that really sounds like a "dad" thing to say, doesn't it?

As for kids being jerks when they get inebriated, that doesn't end with adulthood. If anything, they get even more stupid.

Wait, there must be restaurants that don't serve alcohol. Oops, there I go again with the "dad" talk.

KPOni said...

Aww dad, thanks.

AS for the inebriation thing... thanks for the bright future prospect.

Anonymous said...

restrict something and the child finds it exciting. story of half the kids here's lives.

i wish it were easier to find jobs here. not only is it hard to be under 21 and jobless, a lack of experience is killing me as well. i've got both retail and secretarial (filing?) experience, but before i got my last job, i could not get hired because i had no experience anywhere else. everyone is looking for someone with experience. while that's definitely a good thing to look for, how can one gain experience if no one will allow that person to work and consequently get some?
it's just a dead end. which does some major suckage, indeed.