
Random Musings II

I love watching football, too bad i'm from Detroit and therefore don't have a football team.

I like hawaiian shirts

You're not an adult, no matter how old you are.

I like dogs, and cats, and rabbits... but not for the same reason as dogs and cats.

If Jesus was alive now i think i'd hate him.

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, well, maybe they do, but it's still special damnit!

Humanity has an overall inability to moderate it's actions

Cars are never as cool as they are in the commercials

I know that it's wrong, but I love taco bell more than is healthy.


Anonymous said...

i love your hawaiian shirts. they're hilarious and adorable.

mschieren said...

i love your hawaiian shirts too, they remind me that I'm still cooler than you are ^_^


Harry said...

Dizzy was cool.