
On the Oil Spill

So, I'd like to talk about the giant oil leak out in the ocean right now. it's still pumping, gallons and gallons of oil, and the, well... it really fucking sucks. Lord knows what it's going to do to the ecosystems, and eventually our water supply.

Right now there's a lot of blame going around, mostly on BP, and yes, they are at fault. It's their responsibility to make sure that shit doesn't happen, and if it does, to make sure there's a way to fix it as quickly as possible, and they've seriously fucked up. In all reality, I don't know that I could fill up at a BP station knowing their company is run this way. I also know that a lot of Americans are feeling the same way, and the longer this goes on, the more I see a future where BP is no longer a company. However (yes, there is a however) the oil Company isn't entirely to blame

Yep, that's right, it's not all BP's fault. They're still responsible for fixing this mess, for better or worse, but this accident was caused by a number of factors, some of which were out of control of the BP company. There are two other large factions to blame, the environmental movement, and the federal government. Both for the same reasons.

They are both responsible for this accident because they are both against drilling in ANWAR (That's right, just when you thought that shit was over). Very simply, the feds and the hippys both decided that drilling in Alaska was bad because it was just going to mess up all sorts of shit and just kill everything there. In fact, many of them would argue that this leak is exactly what they are protecting ANWAR from, and that we should be glad that it happened out at sea, and not in Alaska.

That's a bunch of shit. In reality, were this leak happening on land, it would be plugged and cleaned up already. Wanna know why? CAUSE THERE'S NOT A MILE OF OCEAN WATER ON TOP OF A PIPE IN ALASKA! I know it seems simple, but it's true. Remember when you were a kid and you'd swim head first underwater, and when you started getting in deeper (around 6+ feet) your ears would start to pop. That was the pressure of the water, no imagine that times about 1,000... yea, it's kind of a bitch to get anything down there. And yet somehow it's safer to drill out there than on land, where oil moves slower (it being in liquid state and therefore traveling easier through water) and is easier to fix.

And speaking of that mile of water, that's another thing those assholes fucked up, by banning offshore drilling. Because if this was offshore, say in about 500-600 feet of water (instead of 5,280) and it would still be thousands of times easier to fix instead of the debacle we're currently in.

And this is both the fault of the environmentalists and the federal government because the former lobbied for these laws and the latter passed them.


mschieren said...

are you joking me

KPOni said...

Nope, not at all.

Unknown said...

...Okay, so basically, you're saying that "hippies" are somehow responsible for this disaster by speaking out against what could have also been a disaster, albeit a smaller one. That's simply untrue. Deep sea drilling has never been an acceptable alternative to drilling in ANWAR or offshore drilling, and those "hippies" are not even remotely responsible for passing the laws that allowed this to happen. During the last administration, Cheney "convinced" the government to change the law to allow dangerous drilling without adequate safety measures (for what it's worth--not that I support deep sea drilling at all--a large part of the reason the whole thing exploded was because BP decided not to spend ~$500k on a device that probably would have avoided everything). This was done purely for personal gain. It is the goal of environmental groups to end any and all drilling, eventually. Yes, the government is corrupt. That's a given. But it sure as hell isn't the environmentalists perpetuating that corruption.

Harry said...

And what kind of ties does BP have to the Obama administration? If I'm not mistaken, they did give quite a chunk of cash to his election campaign. And then there was the lax oversight. And there's probably even more to this sad story.

Unknown said...

Sure, because the lack of oversight is clearly Obama's fault. And it's not like every politician in at least the last twenty years has received BP donations or anything...

KPOni said...

The lack of oversight is indeed BP's fault. That;s why they're not going to make it out of this year as a business.

However, You talk like the only people giving money to the government is BP. I'd be willing to bet the environmental movement has just as many lobbyists as any oil company. And yes, every president over the past 20 years has probably received money from organizations like Greenpeace as well.

mschieren said...

i still think this is a joke

mschieren said...

what he said

KPOni said...

yea... those are really starting to annoy me

Harry said...

It's a good thing you took that Chinese language class.

mschieren said...

Columbia College offers only the best!

KPOni said...

Actually I took Chinese in high school... and I remember nothing. Tax dollars hard at work right there.