
Death to DST

Daylight Savings Time, it need to die.

Seriously... Why does it exist. I'm told it was originally created to give people more time to work back during WWII. Considering WWII ended 60+ years ago I don't understand why it still exists. All that it does is cause more car accidents for a couple days and makes people really tired.

My grandparents live in Arizona, they don't have daylight savings time there. Guess what? There's absolutely no difference between things that happen there than here! WHY THE HELL DOES THIS EXIST!?!?!?!?!?

Really, that's all I have to say on the subject. We, as a country, need to rise up and get rid of this. Now.

The Annoyed Cat


Anonymous said...

annoyedcat is annoyed.

and daylight savings time exists to mess with you. be warned.

mschieren said...

Its because of the timezones, and it actually was originally made so that people could have more time to work during the days. It was started in 1918.