
A Satirical Idea

So, today, as I was sitting in my writing and rhetoric II class (which I have previously ranted about) an idea came into my little noggin.

For our final project we have to write a twelve page paper on the topic of our choice (as long as it pertains to the human/nature theme... grr) and i was wondering how about I could go about rebelling against the idiocy of it all... and the I thought, "Why not write a satire?"

So, while I have yet to actually make up my mind, I am debating on writing a paper on how Humanity is causing all these environmental problems, why not fix that by removing humanity from the picture? I mean, it's perfect, without humans to botch everything the environment can on abotu doing waht it does without worrying about us hurting it with our silly oil mining and creation of CO2 through breathing that's causing the greenhouse effect... which i haven't heard much about these days, come to think.

But really, teh earth would be much better of if someone just killed everyone, including themselves, although that perosn should probably save himself for last, considering the job he has to do.


mschieren said...

Brb Final Solution :D

Anonymous said...

do it do it do it do it please please please please. and you have to convince your teacher you mean every word of it.

Harry said...

What's really funny about your idea is that there are actual people (idiots) who take seriously what you are satirizing. They even form groups but I don't remember what any of the groups are.