
The Holiday Season

It's here. I'm home for winter break and just chillin. I wish I had something more interesting to write.

I guess all i have to say is, screw you santa, I want presents too. I don't see why the christians are the only one's who get 'em.

I'm displeased.


Random Musings II

I love watching football, too bad i'm from Detroit and therefore don't have a football team.

I like hawaiian shirts

You're not an adult, no matter how old you are.

I like dogs, and cats, and rabbits... but not for the same reason as dogs and cats.

If Jesus was alive now i think i'd hate him.

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, well, maybe they do, but it's still special damnit!

Humanity has an overall inability to moderate it's actions

Cars are never as cool as they are in the commercials

I know that it's wrong, but I love taco bell more than is healthy.


Disney Pop vs. Hip-Hop

So Disney pop music and most gansta rap are exactly the same thing.

I know what you're thinking: "No, no they're fucking not."

And yes, in musical styles, they are quite different, but when it comes down to marketing and musical evolution they are quite the same.

They are both pre-packaged musical shit that encompasses a specific stereotype of person's likes. One, fits the exact crap that black people should like, the other the same for white people. Both Miley Ray Cyrus and Lil' Wayne are the same diluted shit that music exces think we should all listen to.

They both are also loosely based in real music, one in rock and the other in rap (the kind that's thought provoking and meant to question the establishment in an intelligent way), but both are now so in pop culture that they barely resemble their predecessors.

Just a thought I thought I would throw out there.


Random Musings

Here are some random thoughts that are bouncing around in my head:

I quite enjoy tea.

I don't understand why people made such a fuss about Micheal Jackson's death, especially considering the press we gave him in his life.

Is it ok to make fun of people on the day of their death?

If Jesus was G-d's son, but Joeseph was the one that raised him, did G-d have to pay child support?

Life needs more muffins, and tea, and the occasional dance break.

The more I look at politics the more I see one large conspiracy to create a dictatorship within a country.

What is the point of the "number lock" button on the computer?

You should read the book Good Omens, it's quite funny.

That's it for now folks, I imagine the next time I get bored enough there'll be a "Random Musings II" so stay tuned!


An Ode

This is to all the people who will try anything once. Sure, they're reckless, and often get themselves hospitalized for their actions, but without them we would be nowhere.

Think, if you will, about the common beverage, milk. Milk is a substance that comes out of the utters of a cow, goat, human or any other mammal. Although we are raised on it (assuming one is breast fed), we stop drinking it when we become toddlers. Think about the first person to see a cow and it's calf feeding on it's mother's milk. Something in that person's brain said, "Huh, you know, I'm gonna drink that." Now, in your right mind, if you saw a cow for the first time and had no knowledge of it prior, would you drink the odd white liquid coming out of it's underside?

This is why we need people who are willing to do anything regardless of how stupid it may seem at the time, because sometimes, good things come of it. This can be said of more things than milk. Take honey, imagine a trio of people staring at a bee hive.

Person 1: What is that?

Person 2: I dunno, but those things will hurt you if you get close

Person 3: Yea, but what's that stuff dripping off the bottom?

Person 1: I don't know

Person 3: Looks all weird and goopy.

Person 2: Dude, I dare you to eat it.

Person 1: NO!

Person 3: Eh, what the hell, I'll try anything once.

Now, Person 3 would be considered an idiot, yet if it were not for people like that, we would not have honey, a delicious sweetener.

In short, we owe something to the idiots of our day, sometimes, they just get hurt or kill themselves, but sometimes, they discover something that mihgt just help society.


1984 Anyone?

A couple short ones today I guess. Here's a link to Garnbanzo Toons, I find it particularly scary. The Government rarely compiles lists for no reasons. And the fact that they're asking people to help them compile a list of people who disagree with the government healthcare plan does in fact scare me.

But maybe I'm paranoid.

Pearl Jam

What "Grunge" was never supposed to be. Long live Nirvana.


An Idea On The Tax System

You know, I was think about things, and how much I do really not enjoy taxes, and I was thinking... "There's got to be a better way to do this 'tax' thing. In some way that doesn't involve the government slowly taking more and more control of the populace." Then, an idea came to me, What if the American populace got to decide how much taxes to pay?!? If we decided how much those idiots in Washington D.C. got paid maybe they would stop being such idiots and actually pay attention to what they're doing.

The idea is that, At the beginning of the year, probably early February, a poll would be taken of the American population on the direction of the government and how satisfied they are with the progress and actions taken by the government. There would be some sort of rating system with which to grade the different areas of the government. The scores would then be averaged and according to the score, the government would get a set amount of money.

This would do a couple things;
1)it would force people to pay attention to the processes of the government
2)it would force the politicians running the government to actually do things people want

Now, I am aware that there are a few holes in this plan. How can we get everyone to take the poll? Can't people just take the poll without knowing anything about the government? What if people just vote for no taxes?

Firstly, the internet makes it easy for people to access anything, and people's social security number should suffice to make sure people only vote once. And as for those just choosing not to vote, well, there could also be a small tax break for those who choose to vote. And it is true that people could take the pool without knowing anything, but people do that when voting in the general election anyway, so i don't see what difference that makes. As for voting for no taxes, well, so goes all the social programs and other such things the government does, therefore people who favor those things would vote to give the government money.

Now, if the government is not allotted enough money it could still shut down programs, most likely the ones that actually do some good rather than things like racial quotas and economic regulations, so I've come up with a way to combat that as well. For every 2% of the budget cut in order to use the money allotted, all the politicians (that's right, all of them) take a 2% cut to their salary. That way, they can't just cut a bunch of stuff but still get paid. In fact, 2% might be generous, but I don't know enough about politician's salaries to make a mathematical calculation.

That is the overall idea, obviously there's some tweaking to be done and it's not perfect, but at least for once all these public servants will actually be serving the public.


I'm Sorry

Those two words are so odd to me.

It seems people use them too much, like "I love you" only worse.

It seems a curse on our society, like, we can't be free, because we always have to say I'm sorry,

To someone. Always, and we begin to use it without thinking, or knowing what we're sorry for.

I'm sorry it rained (you have no control)

I'm sorry your train is late (are you the conductor?)

I'm sorry i might have accidentally offened someone, somewhere (is it possible not to?)

I'm sorry I was born into a better life than you (if you're so sorry is it better?)

I'm sorry I'm so poor (will apologizing fix it?)

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

It seems more and more that apologies aren't worth our time

And, I wish I could say I'd eluded this curse, but that would be a lie.

Because I still apologize as much as everyone else

For things that aren't my fault, or that are controlled by someone else

So don't think that I'm somehow above the norm

Shit, I'm sorry if I over-stepped my bounds,

Wait, this is my blog, why do I have to apologize

For someone, somewhere who's wandering eyes

might be offended by my quote-unquote lies

But now I digress, and I'm so sorry for wasting your time.


It's the Remix

So, I was sitting in H&M the other day with my girlfriend. She had brought me along to go shopping with her and her mum and dinner later. Now, I'm not a huge fan of shopping, in fact i quite dislike it, but there was a free meal involved (I also happen to enjoy the company of my girlfriend).

Regardless, as I'm standing in this H&M, "Read My Mind" by The Killers comes on over the loudspeakers. Only, it wasn't the song I'm used to, it was a remix of the song, and boy, was it terrible. I mean, really, I wanted to find out who was playing this, hit them in the face and then destroy the radio equipment.

And, as I stood listening to the trash, I came to think about remixes and the such, and I came to a realization, remixes generally suck. People write good stuff, and then some idiot with garage band on their Mac or someone with 3rd rate DJing equipment comes along and fucks it up by "remixing" it. It's a perfectly good song on it's own, want to prove you have real talent, create something original.

Another thing I'd like to know it when the hell it became cool to be a DJ? I go to an arts school, and let me say, everyone is a friggin' DJ. Everyone. When did it become hip, and where was I for that? I mean, I could have been sooooo much more popular in high school if that had been the trend. How hard is it? All you need is a computer and a couple program. What really bugs me about it is it's not even relaly music... it's taking other peoples music a putting it together, there' no original composition.

Now, I know you could argue that "They're using them differently to create something new!" or "Well, there's really no such thing as originality." For the first arguement, no, they're piecing together other people's material and calling it their own, that's stealing, not creating. And as for the second argument... well then people need to stop acting like they're the fucking original gangsta' of DJing.

Sometimes I don't wonder if we shouldn't just go back to violin concertos and things of that nature.

Until my next time,
A frustrated music person

P.S. Here's the vidoe for "Read My Mind", in case you've not heard it.


Read a Book

So... this link... it's quite funny, however also quite offensive, so I should warn the faint that... well, profuse swearing is a bit of an understatement.

However, I feel it has a good message.


Blah... when did life start happening? (an update on a bloggers life)

So, I need a better job, and a better place to live... or at least leave my stuff when i'm at my girlfriends (whom i owe much to for sheltering me because she lives a half-hour closer to my place of work).

My job is pretty terrible... it's mostly my boss, who is a jackass, he insults employees in for of customers, he yells, screams and slams things around when he doesn't get his way, he has actually chased away people who came back to help him when we were short staffed and he is an overall asshole to the infinite degree.

That all sucks, but I am happy that I a girlfriend who I love, and a couple good friends to talk to and keep me sane. Also, going and running around the city is fun, 'cause there's stuff to do on occasion. Like the blues fest, that's this weekend, I'm excited for it 'cause I wanna go and listen to the likes of Buddy Guy and others blow me away with the blues.

Anyway, that's really all... I wish I had some semi-interesting musing to entertain ya'll with, but so far the only thing I've been wondering is why so many people think socialism is so great.

Farewell my fine-feathered friends,
The Birdwatcher


A Thought

People need to stop blaming other things for their own shortcomings and learn to accept when they make mistakes, learn from them, apologize if need be, and then move on.

That is all,
Your Lord and Master



So, I've found work in a bakery in Lincoln Park. I am a dishwasher, and, as with the backs of most kitchens, the primary nationality is hispanic/latino/mexican/whatever. This being said, there is often mexican music playing on the stereo we have in the back, often on a mexican radio station.

This has taught me a couple things about radio:

1) There are always too many commericals

2) The same songs are played over and over.

Believe it or not, these rules apply to all radio, no matter what nationality.


Altruism at it's Core

So, there's something I've been pondering for quite a while now. The past few years I've been wondering if anyone really does anything completely for anyone else. You know, the whole Selfless act thing. I've been wondering if it's really possible for someone to do something and reap no benefit whatsoever in return.But, is this really possible? I've personally come to the conclusion of no.

We'll start first with such things as giving charity and other such activities. Now, these most definitely help other people, and they are good things to do. However, they are far from selfless acts. On the small scale, even giving a little makes a person feel better about themselves and give's them a sense that they have done something to make the world just the slightest bit better. This in itself a reward that most people value quite a bit. Unfortunately, in receiving this award (although your are receiving it from yourself) it makes the act of giving charity just the slightest bit selfish.

But what about donating your time to something you really don't want to do? Well, assuming that your not given a monetary or food reward (or anything else), Most people would still have that smug sense of satisfaction that they've helped someone else. Even if they despised the task, they would also get the reward of a favor. Almost all people, when doing something they hate for someone else, expect that the person they worked for, will eventually do something for them that this other person dislikes. This can be, in itself, quite satisfactory a reward, whether it is simply knowing that you have a favor to use, or whether your watching someone else help you deal with that nasty mongoose problem you have.

There are other situations as well that I can't think of that would seem altruistic in nature, but I imagine there is a way in which they are not.

Until my next installment,
Dancey McBearson


The Swine of Flu

So... this whole swine flu thing...

Yea, people need to calm the fuck down. Everyone's acting like this is gonna be the next pandemic. This is gonna be the one that really gets us. This is gonna be worse than the Avian flu, or SARS or West Nile or blah, blah, blah. Always a new disease, always something to be afraid of.

Yet, this swine flu, is nothing. I mean, it is a flu, and the flu sucks, but it's not deadly.

"But... but... but... people have died!" Yes, and people die of the normal flu yearly. People also die of strep throat and other curable diseases simply because they're immune system is not strong enough. Most of those people are either very old, or very young, and as sad as it is, those people are the most susceptible to most diseases.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, people need to stop worrying and shut up. It's not deadly, it's not gonna wipe out the world's population and destroy everything humanity has ever created. At worst, you'll get sick, it'll suck, and then you'll get better and go on about your normal life.

Now, I'm going back to my mind destroying TV,
The Lord of Nothing-in-Particular



I really like tea. That's really all there is to say on that. I find it to be one of my favorite drinks. I wish I could give you an exact reason why... but I just find it to be tasty.

There are 6 kinds of teas to my knowledge: Oolong, Black, Green, White, Rooibos and Flower. All of these are larger categories that contain many different varieties of the tea.

Oolong tea is mostly a chinese tea with a medium flavor. Not too earthy, or flowery or tasteless. It's really the average of teas. I'm quite fond of it, and it is definitly my favorite category of tea although it does not contain my favorite tea. My favorite type would be a tie between an oolong called Tie Guan Yin and another called Scarlet Robe.

Next in line are the Black teas. These are the most familiar to the western world as it is the usual type of tea served at most places. They tend to have a stronger taste than all of the other teas and they can range from light to very earthy. Though as a category they are not my favorite, it does contain my favorite particular tea, Pu'er. This tea is the only tea that is better aged, and has an incredibly strong earthy flavor.

Then there are Green teas. These are without a doubt the most famous teas. Touted for their health benefits by celebrities and laman alike, they have a very earthy/grassy taste. To be quite honest I'm not a fan of these teas. They have too grassy a taste for me and they're about second from the bottom on my favorite chart (well, really more of a list).

White Teas are a variation of the Green tea. They are young Green tea leaves picked before they are ripe and brewed. they contain most of the health benefits of the Green tea with a much lighter taste. I find their taste much better than the Green tea. My favorite type of White tea is the Dragonwell.

Now Rooibos teas are interesting. They are from an African plant and therefore unlike the other teas listed. The teas have a sweet flavor that is very smooth and quite tasty. I am not as familiar with this set of teas as I am with others, so I can't rellay pick a favorite variety.

Lastly are the Flower teas... which, true to their name, are made with flowers. These are known in the west as well, mostly as jasmine or chamamille. Flowers have a very perfumy taste as well as smell which is why they are my least favorite tea of all. I do occasionally enjoy Chamamiille tea, but I usually don't drink flower teas.

Those are the kinds of teas I am familiar with. I am quite a fan.



So, I came to an interesting realization walking about the city. Actors have to learn how to deal with two things more than the average population. Rejection and Criticism.

First, as actors, we go and audition at a multitude of places and all of them reject us, over and over and over. It's like walk through a revolving door of "No". This can go on for quite a while... often times for years. That is not something many people handle well.

Second, once someone finally says, "Yes, we'd like you to be in our show." The actor must work their ass off to create a believable character, which is of course, criticized by the director and constantly molded and changed by other people. This happens until the show begins.

Overall, those two things are what defines acting the most.



It's been weeks since the controversy, and i'd like to put in my two cents on the whole thing.

All-in-all, it goes like this:
Some idiot CEO's decided to screw over they're banks and spend all the money and generally cause chaos with bad mortgages and loans and whatnot. They lost all their money, and all of their employees money and all of their investors money. In doing all of this the banks fail and people are generally pissed.
Then, the government steps in. They say "Well, you screwed over almost the entire country, or at least a large amount of people, but we're gonna give you hundreds of billions of dollars to fix your banks." Now, let me reiterate this, they gave billions upon billions of dollars to a group of CEO's who were KNOWN to be corrupt.
Then, these CEO's went and spent the money... on things other than fixing their banks, such as parties and other such things.

Now, many people like to blame the CEO's here, and yes, they did screw over their companies and waste away more money than i would ever make in a thousand lifetimes. However, the government gave them all that money to "rebuild" their banks. they GAVE billions of dollars to CORRUPT CEO's and expected them to use it correctly.

Seriously... I mean, Bush wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed... but seriously? congress and the senate both approved it and were ok with it. so... 100 seats in the senate and 400 some in the house... that's over 500 retards!!! C'mon... yes, the CEO's are jackasses, but the government is just as at fault for the second wasting of billions of dollars. I'm sorry, but the government is just as at fault, they gave them the money to waste.

It was really just a bad move by the government, and now they're using it to bring down harsher laws on CEO's and business owners who are good people just trying to make a buck.


Being Sick

It sucks. I've been drinking tea all day but my throat still hurts like hell... I'd rather not have to miss class, but considering I really don't want to get anyone else sick, I'd rather just stay home and get better as quick as I can. Hopefully this doesn't turn into strep... that would kill.


A Creative Moment or Two

You know, I've been in a creative mood the past couple days... it all started yesterday morning zoning off in my English class (yes, the one I bitch about all the time). Who knew it'd be good for something.

Anyway, since yesterday morning I've come of with three sets of lyrics as well as two guitar riffs that aren't terrible... Overall I'm kinda proud... i mean, I still have to run it all by my band mates and see what they say and if any of it is usable... but overall I'm feeling pretty good, well, good in a restless sort of way.

Until next time,
The Wandering Minstrel


I Don't Care

So, as I sat today in my Writing and Rhetoric II class (of which I often rant) I had a short but very interesting realization:

I don't care.

I don't, I don't give a hoot about the class in any way shape or form... and this comes as a problem. Often, when I don't care about a class, I don't put effort forward or do the work necessary to get an A... which really sucks. I don't mean to, it's simply that I don't care, and therefore actually doing the work just slips my mind.

Of course having realized this I can attempt to counteract it. I just wish I cared, it would make it so much easier... I mean, I care more about my New Millennium Studies class, which is an overall joke of a class, than I do about what is supposed to be an upper-level English class.

Eh, oh well, I guess I just have to push through and do the best I can without yelling at my teacher and/or being an overall ass in the class.

Upon my return,
Josh from Nazareth


Today's Random Question

If an entire community of people was created based on a stereotype, is the stereotype still technically a stereotype?


Death to DST

Daylight Savings Time, it need to die.

Seriously... Why does it exist. I'm told it was originally created to give people more time to work back during WWII. Considering WWII ended 60+ years ago I don't understand why it still exists. All that it does is cause more car accidents for a couple days and makes people really tired.

My grandparents live in Arizona, they don't have daylight savings time there. Guess what? There's absolutely no difference between things that happen there than here! WHY THE HELL DOES THIS EXIST!?!?!?!?!?

Really, that's all I have to say on the subject. We, as a country, need to rise up and get rid of this. Now.

The Annoyed Cat


A Satirical Idea

So, today, as I was sitting in my writing and rhetoric II class (which I have previously ranted about) an idea came into my little noggin.

For our final project we have to write a twelve page paper on the topic of our choice (as long as it pertains to the human/nature theme... grr) and i was wondering how about I could go about rebelling against the idiocy of it all... and the I thought, "Why not write a satire?"

So, while I have yet to actually make up my mind, I am debating on writing a paper on how Humanity is causing all these environmental problems, why not fix that by removing humanity from the picture? I mean, it's perfect, without humans to botch everything the environment can on abotu doing waht it does without worrying about us hurting it with our silly oil mining and creation of CO2 through breathing that's causing the greenhouse effect... which i haven't heard much about these days, come to think.

But really, teh earth would be much better of if someone just killed everyone, including themselves, although that perosn should probably save himself for last, considering the job he has to do.


ROC Chicago

So, Today I had an orientation for this organization, the Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC) of Chicago. The reason I was there was that they are offering a job-training program for the restaurant industry, and seeing as I need a job and have no experience in the industry, I felt it was a good idea to do this... and hell, it's free.

They seem like a good enough organization, they began in New York after 9/11, when the federal gov't gave money to a bunch of people who had survived and lost their jobs. These people were mostly minorities, and they created the organization with their money to help those who had lost jobs due to the destruction of the twin towers.

They found, however, that they could not get the quality of job they had had previously due to the fact that they were minorities. So, the mission of the organization changed to one of creating an ethical business sense within the restaurant industry.

Therein lies a problem for me. While I do appreciate that this organization is teaching me how to work in a restaurant for free, I don't necessarily agree with their ethics within business. However, having attended the orientation this morning, I feel like I have become a member of an organization that has not become a bureaucratic hypocrisy like many of the organizations that supposedly try to help minorities.

However, I can see how something like that could happen... and it's not something I want to be a part of, but I feel there's still good to be done from this organization as well... it's a slight internal conflict that's beginning to annoy me.

Anywho, not really a rant today, just a moral quandry.

Au Revoir,
The Flying Cat Man


Stevie Ray Vaughn

Why is he so great?

I've been trying to learn how to play "Pride and Joy" off of his first album "Texas Flood" and let me tell you it is hard as hell. How is he so good? More importantly, how the hell did he play when he was fucked up on Jack Daniels and coke all the time?

*sigh*, guess I'll never know... oh well, back to playing.

A Frustrated Musician


Arts School Dropout (to be sang to the tune of...)

I go to an Arts school. A school for the fine and performing arts. I must say I enjoy it quite a bit. I like not having massive 3.2 million people lectures. I like having my general education classes tie (somewhat loosely) to my major. I like having faculty that works in my field as well as teaches, which means I know they're not sugar coating anything. But, I have to admit, there is something quite odd about the entire concept of an arts school, especially when it comes to the fine arts.

Now, behind the scene's stuff, like fashion design, radio/DJing and backstage work are all easily taught. I'm not saying they're easy skills, but they can be taught the way any other trade or job can be taught. Acting presents some difficulty, as there is an intangibility to it. You can teach someone lines, how to say them, where to move onstage... but unless they have that talent, that ability to embody a role, they really can't act. It is a talent that can't be taught. I should say that those who have that ability and simply need work with it can work on it, even someone who's never acted before, should they possess the necessary talent, can be worked with to be better... but there is an intangible something that all actors have that some people just don't.

This intangible concept is even more present in things like Art, Dance or Poetry (Yes, there is poetry majoring here). It's like... how are you really supposed to teach this? you can teach it's history, it's methods, but in the end either a person has the talent or they don't. Simple and plain. I wish that these could be "Yay! everyone can do it!"-type arts but they're not. Especially when it comes to poetry or painting. There is a creativity required that alot of people don't have, not to say the average person can't understand or love art, simply that they cannot create it.

Maybe it's this notion that makes art students such snobs... I really couldn't say. I mean, the entire snob things is a rant I'll save for another day, but I guess... I guess the entire concept of an art school can be confusing at times, and it's simply an interesting thing to examine, as to how much of the arts can actually be taught.

Until we meet again,
Timothy of Briton


A Superficial Question

Whatever happened to superficiality? I mean, the good ol' kind... muscular, tan guys, skinny big breasted women. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of the elitism and general jack-assery that comes along with being one of those few... I'm just wondering where it went, what with more and more people being attracted to those skinny, emaciated, pale guys... as well as girls... it's just an odd turn of events.

Mind you, I kind of am one of those skinny, emaciated, pale guys... which is fine. And to be frankly honest, I like my girls with a little more junk in the trunk if you catch my drift. I'm simply wondering what happened to the old standards of good looks... and if these new one's aren't just as superficial.

Really, I don't have much else to say on the subject... it's just that. People think that society is becoming less superficial... and it's not. It's just a different kind. Everyone is superficial and that's what people don't understand. Everyone judges everyone else on how they look, period. It's how the human mind works, and it's something we can get past, but don't deny that it happens.

Peace out,
Damien, the dancing daemon extraordinaire


Buisness and State

There's something I'd like to see of the country. Now, there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. There is, of course a raging debate as to whether that is the case, or, in some people's eyes, whether that is really necessary. That however, is not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about another separation that should exist. This is a separation of business and the government. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

I feel that businesses need to take their hand out of the government. The amount of lobbyists in Washington is astounding. I mean, all those business, and for that matter non-profit groups, are constantly buying and selling politicians (who I should mention now, are all evil, every single one of them) like candy.

This make the already corruption-prone politicians side with whoever is willing to pay them most, and therefore don't give a damn about what us people think. They only care about whatever will make them the most money.

Now, there are those that would say that this is a side-effect of the free-market capitalist system. Those people are dolts. This is a symptom of a government becoming too powerful for it's own good. Were companies of any size to exist without gov't involvement, they would be forced to produce thins that people want, else they would not make any money. However, with the gov't giving so much money (such as in the form of bailouts) to companies, they no longer need to produce goods that are wanted by the consumer, and can therefore do things that would be considered corrupt. Basically, what I am trying to say is that, businesses wouldn't have to please the government, and therefore would be forced to please the consumer.

Now, I'm well aware that this is idealistic, because there are some business owners out there who are dicks, and make up profits and steal money form their own company and do other such things that most business men wouldn't do because it is morally wrong and will eventually come back to destroy their company. However, I believe, that most business owners would not do this, regardless of the success of their business, because most have been working on building their business too damn hard to ruin it.

And I believe this is where I finish, because I could go on abotu how someone who inherits a business if far more likly to screw it up than the person who built it, but that's another rant.

Until our next adventure space cadets,
Capt. Arthur M. Piggins Jr. IV


An Underage View of Things

It sucks being under 21.

I'm not just saying that because of the whole drinking thing. I really don't like alcohol and in all honesty I wouldn't drink even if I were legally allowed to.

No, it sucks being under 21 because, while they tell me I am an adult, I'm not.

Maybe it's just being in the city... I mean, I've been on the job hunt for months now, and being under 21 has killed me. Most restaurants won't even let me bus if they serve alcohol. seriously. Like I'm going to that mostly drank fruity cocktail from the bimbo who's been slinging those back all night and have a few sips on the job.

No, I can't see that happening, nor would I be dumb enough to steal from behind the bar... I don't think a good job (or any job in this economy) is worth losing over a bit of booze.

Then again, maybe there are some idiot kids who would do that. Some of them probably go to my school, because lord knows this place is filled to the brim with addicts. Ok, not really addicts... but damn kids really need to stop with the whole drug thing... at least on friggin' school nights.

Anyway, back to my original point, which is being less than 21 years in age sucks. There's this place down the street, it's called "Buddy Guy's Legends." It's owned by Buddy Guy himself, he plays there alot too. It's an amazing blues bar/restaurant. I get kicked out at 8pm... because I'm under 21. All I want to do is listen to some kickass blues... but no, that's not happening.

It's really just annoying, the amount of places that are still of limits for me, even though I'm supposed to be an "adult". Hell, I voted, why can't I go into a bar and listen to some guy wail on the guitar?

I guess the majority of my peers are unable to control themselves in these situations, but why should I be lumped in with all those idiots? I mean, if we were to make sweeping generalizations about specific groups of people there would be programs that help/restrict people based on their sex or the color of their skin... oh wait...

That's a different day. Point is, being under 21 blows and there's no way around it.

I'm done,
The Dancing Monkey on Your Shoulder


Writing and Environmentalism II

So I am taking a writing and rhetoric II class. I want everyone to pay close attention to the name of this course. "Writing and Rhetoric II". Sounds like a normal English class, yes? You'd be wrong. As I go to an arts college, it is of course not going to be the average English class, and that I don't have a problem with.

However, in the "normal" W&R II at the arts college, the student is supposed to pick a specific "site" to takes notes and write on. My teacher, however, decided, "Silly college students, they can't choose a place for themselves, I'll pick the topic for them." What's the topic? Why, the human/nature theme that the school is holding events on this year.

Now, I should say this, I really don't have too many problems with the environmental movement. My biggest issue is it's insistence on government involvement. I much more subscribe to the thought stream of those like Henry Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who were known for their stance against government.

Anyway, my professor has decided that we are all to write on a specific topic relating to humans and nature. She decided for us. We're college students, supposed adults, and she went out of her way to pick a specific topic for us. THERE'S A FRIGGIN' REASON I CAME TO AN ART SCHOOL!

Yes, believe it or not, one of the reasons why I like an art school is that I get to think for myself much more than at the average college, but no, now I have to write on something I'm not interested in, and am expected to write well. That's complete shit. I thought that stuff was meant for high school, guess I was mistaken.

I mean, I want to be able to choose for myself a topic like most other students in the class, and I DON'T want to have this super-liberal point of view being told to me every week. I'm sorry but it's idiotic.

But, luckily for me, I only have a limited engagement in this class, and when it's over I will be quite happy to live without environmental bullshit being shoved down my throat every tuesday and thursday morning at 9am.

So ends this,
Your Favorite Dancer


My First Post

...Will in fact, not be a rant. It's simply a statement as to how much I love instrumental music. It's pretty amazing, I mean, conveying an entire landscape without the use of words, which we rely on so much. It's kind of why I love it.
I mean... anyone can write in the most rudimentary sense, blunt things like, "I love you." Or, "Go screw yourself." It takes a large portion of talent to take words and turn them into something subtle and useful, such as the likes or Shakespeare or Mark Twain. But, to simply take noise, and turn it into complicated emotions and imaginary landscapes visible really only in the human mind... that's talent.
Mind you, I'm not knocking writers, they have a talent of their own that is incomparable, I am simply stating my amazement at the ability of instrumental composers.

Hmm... guess that was a tad bit of a rant... not nearly as scathing or mean as one would expect a rant to be, oh well, there's time for that.

Until the next moon,
Your Humble 19 year old Know-it-all

A Simple Intro

This is yet another annoying blog.

I've been reading blogs for a good 3-4 years now. I'm a college student at an arts school in Chicago, it's fun, but I find that a fair amount of things annoy me. It is because of this that I feel it necessary to go about my ranting on the internet, i mean, it seems like the perfect place.

Yes, this will be a fair amount of ranting... mostly about how the government is too big, how people are too dumb and how everyone still hates the Jews.

If I thought a lot of people were going to read this, I would warn those reading that I will probably offend. It's a good thing I don't care.

With all that said, I welcome you to a world of unimportance, non-sequitors and other things of that nature.